deffenti Author

Brazilian Companies: Non-Residents Can Become Executive Directors

Non-residents (Brazilians or foreigners) can now be executive directors of Brazilian companies. Brazil’s legal framework continues to improve, with this being another step...

New Rules on Giving Gifts and Providing Hospitality to Brazilian Federal Officials

New regulations set out rules about the giving gifts and providing hospitality to Federal Brazilian public officials....

Litigation in Brazil: Unusual Features

Litigating in Brazil is different from litigating in common law jurisdictions. Sworn testimony, witness examination, discovery (disclosure) and lawyers fees (costs) are among the...

Brazil: Hague Evidence Convention

The Hague Evidence Convention governs the obtaining evidence in Brazil....

New Limitation Periods for Enforcing Judgments

The time limits for enforcing judgments in Brazil have been changed. These changes apply to Brazilian and foreign-issued judgments....

Service of Process is Now by Email in Brazil

Service by email the default method of service of process in Brazil. This has major practical consequences to the parties involved in Brazilian litigation....

UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency in Force in Brazil

On 23 January 2021, Law 14,112/2020 came into force. This Law substantially amended the Brazilian Judicial Recovery and Bankruptcy Law (the “Insolvency Law”), with the key...

Low tax on importing goods into Brazil: the Temporary Admission Regime

Brazil’s temporary admission regime (regime de admissão temporária) allows certain goods to temporarily enter Brazil without the payment of import-related taxes. This is a...

Less Corporate Requisitions = Quicker Turnarounds

Quick Read: Corporate registrations will be faster, as requisitions will be standardised and more limited. Powers of officers at Companies Registries have been reduced. This is...

Public Consultation for Regulatory Good Practices on Foreign Trade

Brazil’s Executive-Secretariat of the Foreign Trade Chamber (“CAMEX” being its Portuguese acronym) proposed a draft for good practices on foreign trade regulations based...