Brazilian business law explained in a way foreigners understand.

Brazilian law for those looking to do business in Brazil.

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ContractsDispute ResolutionEmploymentIntellectual PropertyMining Law

Choice of Forum in Brazil: Recent Changes May Render Clauses Void

July 16, 2024 • Forum selection clauses may be easily voided after the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure...

| July 16, 2024

ContractsIntellectual PropertyTax and Customs

Brazil’s Transfer Pricing Rules Now Consistent with OECD Guidelines

June 16, 2023 • Brazil's transfer pricing rules are now consistent with the OECD Transfer Pricing...

| June 16, 2023

Intellectual Property

What is a ‘tax haven’ under Brazilian law?

June 12, 2023 • Brazil has a sophisticated tax system. This makes structuring a transaction to minimise...

| June 12, 2023

CorporateIntellectual PropertyTax and Customs

Checklist: Setting Up a Company in Brazil

May 13, 2022 • Company registration in Brazil is getting easier. Here you will find the key issues you...

| May 13, 2022

ContractsTax and Customs

Taxation of Interest on International Loans to Brazilian Entities

October 23, 2023 • How are interest payments taxed in international loans made to Brazilian companies and...

| October 23, 2023

ContractsCorporateEmploymentTax and Customs

Hiring an Employee in Brazil

May 29, 2023 • Looking to hire an employee in Brazil? Here are the key rules and issues to consider....

| May 29, 2023

Government Procurement and PPPsTax and Customs

Greater transparency over Brazil’s tax incentives

May 17, 2023 • Information regarding incentives, waivers, benefits or immunities of a tax nature that...

| May 17, 2023

CorporateTax and Customs

Registering a Branch of a Foreign Company in Brazil

April 25, 2023 • Setting up a branch office in Brazil has become a lot easier and it may offer tax...

| April 25, 2023

ContractsIntellectual PropertyTax and Customs

Royalties paid for unregistered IP rights now tax deductible in Brazil

January 5, 2023 • Royalties for unregistered intellectual property rights can now be deducted by Brazilian...

| January 5, 2023

Mining Law

Brazil’s Mining Laws Improved

January 4, 2023 • Important changes to Brazil’s mining laws came into force in late 2022. These include...

| January 4, 2023

ContractsMining Law

Uranium Mining by Private Miners Allowed in Brazil

January 4, 2023 • Uranium mining is no longer a monopoly in Brazil....

| January 4, 2023

ContractsCorporateIntellectual PropertyTax and Customs

Brazil has a New Foreign Exchange Law

January 3, 2023 • Brazil’s new Foreign Exchange Law has introduced material improvements to Brazil’s...

| January 3, 2023

ContractsCorporateEmploymentIntellectual PropertyMining LawTax and Customs

Brazil and UK Sign Double Tax Agreement

December 5, 2022 • Brazil and the UK have signed a double tax agreement. The agreement has not yet come into...

| December 5, 2022

Intellectual Property

Brazil: Hague Industrial Designs Agreement to Become Law Soon

October 31, 2022 • Brazil has acceeded to the Hague Agreement on Industrial Designs. It is expected that it...

| October 31, 2022

ContractsIntellectual PropertyTax and Customs

Appointing a Distributor in Brazil

October 28, 2022 • Quick Read: Flexible: Parties have great freedom to decide on the terms of their...

| October 28, 2022

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About the Author

Fabiano Deffenti

The site is managed by Fabiano Deffenti, a lawyer admitted to practise in Brazil and Australia, enrolled as a barrister and solicitor in New Zealand and licensed as an attorney-at-law in New York.

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