Corporate law Tag Archive

Brazil’s Central Bank allows non-residents to pay for issued shares with virtual assets

On 13 September 2024, Brazil’s Central Bank officially published Resolution BCB 410/2024. The Resolution amends Resolution 278/2022, which is the key regulation addressing...

Brazil’s International Data Transfer Regulations: How do they compare with the EU’s GDPR?

By Vanessa Borges and Fabiano Deffenti International data transfers are critical for businesses operating in a globalised digital environment. Both Brazil and the European Union...

Checklist: Setting Up a Company in Brazil

Company registration in Brazil is getting easier. Here you will find the key issues you will need to consider when setting up a company in Brazil....

Brazilian Companies: Non-Residents Can Become Executive Directors

Non-residents (Brazilians or foreigners) can now be executive directors of Brazilian companies. Brazil’s legal framework continues to improve, with this being another step...

UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency in Force in Brazil

On 23 January 2021, Law 14,112/2020 came into force. This Law substantially amended the Brazilian Judicial Recovery and Bankruptcy Law (the “Insolvency Law”), with the key...

Changes to Corporate Rules: Online Meetings and Extended Deadlines

Corporate meetings can now be held partially or totally online. This applies to publicly-held and private companies. ...

Changes to the Civil Code: Easier Removal of Directors (Administradores) and Minority Shareholders

Law 13,792/2019 (gazetted on 3 January 2019) was one of the first Bills signed into Law by President Bolsonaro. The Law amends the Civil Code. Now if a director (administrador) of...