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OECD Requests Input on Brazil’s Mutual Agreement Procedures

Quick Read: As part of its Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (“BEPS”) project, the OECD has requested that taxpayers provide input on Brazil’s mutual agreement procedures...

TST: Signing Bonus is Salary

Brazil’s Superior Employment Court (Tribunal Superior do Trabalho or “TST”) has recently issued its final decision addressing whether an employee’s signing bonus...

Blockchain Adopted by Brazil’s Tax Authority

On 21 November 2018, Brazil’s Federal Revenue Department published an amendment to Regulation RFB 1,649/2016 bringing blockchain technology to the Federal tax compliance system...

Brazilian Resident Visas Available for Property Investors

On 21 November 2018, Brazil’s National Immigration Council published Normative Resolution 36/2018. The Resolution sets the criteria for obtaining a resident’s visa for those...

Income Tax Regulations Suddenly Replaced

The Brazilian Federal government on 23 November 2018 published Decree 9,580/2018, which repeals and replaces the Income Tax Regulations that had been in place since 1999. The...

Brazil-China Customs Agreement in Force

On 30 October 2018, Federal Decree 9,542/2018 was published in the official gazette. The Brazil-China Agreement on Mutual Administrative and Customs Matters was signed by the...

Agents Targeted for Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism

On 9 May 2018, the Brazilian Council of Control of Financial Activities (known as “COAF”) issued a new resolution (Resolution COAF 30/2018) targeting persons who act in the...

All Contracts Subject to New Rules: Ministry of Employment

Brazil’s employment law reform (Law 13,467/2017) came into force on 11 November 2017. To avoid issues relating to its interpretation, Brazil’s President issued Provisional...

New Law Brings Pragmatism to Brazilian Judicial and Administrative Decisions

Key Points Law 13,655/2018 (the “Law”) came into force on 26 April 2018. The Law introduces important changes to the decision-making process at both administrative and...

Improvements to Brazilian Central Bank Rules on International Capital Flows

On 9 March 2017 the Central Bank of Brazil (“BACEN”) published Circular DC/BACEN 3,883/2018. This regulation amends two key BACEN regulations: Circular 3,689/2013 (which...