Brazil’s Executive-Secretariat of the Foreign Trade Chamber (“CAMEX” being its Portuguese acronym) proposed a draft for good practices on foreign trade regulations based on the OCDE Model. This is aimed to increase transparency, legal certainty and predictability in Brazil’s business environment.
In its article 3(III) the draft provides “when considering the possibility of creating, modifying or revoking normative acts, the regulatory authorities must” among other criteria “submit the proposals to public consultation for at least 60 days, except for duly justifiable cases of unnecessary or inadequacy for consultation, situation in which the consultation may be waived or have its period reduced in accordance with the reason presented”.
The wording of this item is currently open for suggestions and comments for a period of 60 days, from 5 June until 6 August 2018. The period for public consultation of 60 days is under discussion as a second draft of the same article 3, item III, suggests a period of 45 days in accordance with Bill 6,621/2016, which is currently before the Congress.
This is a unique opportunity for Brazilian interested parties to present their opinion on the matter.
For more information contact me.
Brazil CAMEX Foreign Direct Investment Foreign Trade Importing
Last modified: 13 August 2019