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Brazil and UK Sign Double Tax Agreement

Brazil and the UK have signed a double tax agreement. The agreement has not yet come into force but it marks yet another step taken by Brazil to open its economy....

Disclosure of Ultimate Beneficiaries to the Brazilian Federal Revenue Department

What needs to be disclosed about the shareholders to the Brazilian tax authorities? Disclosures of UBOs and controllers under Brazilian law....

Checklist: Setting Up a Company in Brazil

Company registration in Brazil is getting easier. Here you will find the key issues you will need to consider when setting up a company in Brazil....

Non-residents: Less Bureaucracy to Invest in Brazilian Securities

New Brazilian regulations make it easier for non-resident investors to invest in Brazilian securities....

Brazilian Companies: Non-Residents Can Become Executive Directors

Non-residents (Brazilians or foreigners) can now be executive directors of Brazilian companies. Brazil’s legal framework continues to improve, with this being another step...

New Rules on Giving Gifts and Providing Hospitality to Brazilian Federal Officials

New regulations set out rules about the giving gifts and providing hospitality to Federal Brazilian public officials....

UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency in Force in Brazil

On 23 January 2021, Law 14,112/2020 came into force. This Law substantially amended the Brazilian Judicial Recovery and Bankruptcy Law (the “Insolvency Law”), with the key...

Investing in Brazil via a Share Investment Fund (“FIP”)

A share investment fund (fundo de investimento em participações, “FIP”) is a close-ended fund that operates somewhat like an investment trust. It is generally used as a...

Changes to Corporate Rules: Online Meetings and Extended Deadlines

Corporate meetings can now be held partially or totally online. This applies to publicly-held and private companies. ...

Covid-19: Emergency Credit Lines for SMEs

The Brazilian government has announced a new credit line worth R$4 billion to provide funding for the payroll at small and medium-sized enterprises as a way to assist them to...