TIEAs with the UK and Switzerland in Force

Written by | Tax and Customs

On 30 May 2019, Brazil’s President (Jair Bolsonaro) signed two decrees (Decree 9,815/2019 and Decree 97,814/2019) approving the tax information exchange agreements (“TIEAs”) previously signed by Brazil with the United Kingdom and Switzerland. Both Decrees were published on 31 May 2019 and the TIEAs are now law in Brazil.

The TIEAs cover at least the following Brazilian taxes:

The TIEA with the UK covers at least the following taxes:

The TIEA with Switzerland covers at least the following taxes:

Taxes imposed by States, Municipalities and other subdivisions are only subject to the TIEA “to the extent allowable under the laws” of the country.

The information to be exchanged in very broad and includes information regarding trusts, agents, fiduciaries, nominees and beneficiaries of any legal person.

For more information contact me.

Last modified: 5 August 2019