Non-residents (Brazilians or foreigners) can now be executive directors of Brazilian companies. Brazil’s legal framework continues to improve, with this being another step...
Brazil and Switzerland have entered into a double tax agreement. The Convention for Elimination of Double Taxation with Respect to Taxes on Income and the Prevention of Tax...
One of Michel Temer’s last acts as Brazil’s President was to set up the much-anticipated National Data Protection Agency. Provisional Measure 869/2018 was published on 28...
On 21 November 2018, Brazil’s Federal Revenue Department published an amendment to Regulation RFB 1,649/2016 bringing blockchain technology to the Federal tax compliance system...
On 30 October 2018, Federal Decree 9,542/2018 was published in the official gazette. The Brazil-China Agreement on Mutual Administrative and Customs Matters was signed by the...
Quick Read: Corporate registrations will be faster, as requisitions will be standardised and more limited. Powers of officers at Companies Registries have been reduced. This is...
On 9 May 2018, the Brazilian Council of Control of Financial Activities (known as “COAF”) issued a new resolution (Resolution COAF 30/2018) targeting persons who act in the...
Brazil’s employment law reform (Law 13,467/2017) came into force on 11 November 2017. To avoid issues relating to its interpretation, Brazil’s President issued Provisional...
The site is managed by Fabiano Deffenti, a lawyer admitted to practise in Brazil and Australia, enrolled as a barrister and solicitor in New Zealand and licensed as an attorney-at-law in New York.